Catechism Coptic Church 2009

Discussion of the topics or questions, not necessarily answers yet, about what a newly baptized need to learn about the coptic orthodox church.

Topic # 15 Rites of Palm Sunday in Coptic Orthodox Church

Rites (order) of Palm Sunday:

Vespers using same tune (Oshanna) joyous tune. Note the fresh palms decorated and decorating the church.
1. Matins prayer include a procession around the church with gospel readings in front of icons of the saints. Note the (Oshana) joyous tune.
2. Liturgy of the word includes prayer of the hours, choosing the Lamb, readings from St Paul, other letters, Acts, NOT one Gospel but four Gospels telling the Entry into Jerusalem.
3. Liturgy of the believers.
4. Communion with (oshanna) joyous tune.
5. General funeral liturgy.
6. Pascha of the evening of Monday.

March 30, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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